Thursday, November 17, 2016

Violet+Rye Make Love Not Porn.

*This post originally appeared on the MakeLoveNotPorn Tumblr.*

We're often asked how this started. In the past year, we've started to tell some of our friends about this life we lead online. You know, the one where we blog anonymously about our sex life. Take photos, make videos, share our intimate moments. The one where we go by Violet+Rye.

It started with a conversation we think everyone should have. After a few years together, a year or so living together, and several moves around the country, the talk happened.

The porn talk.

We both watched it. Violet liked reading more than watching, mostly because the videos aren't geared toward what she likes. Rye mentioned that he was a big fan of a particular blog. A blog run by a couple.

Violet checked it out. The Secretive Slut (sadly, now defunct, but it still exists online). It was a young couple. Photos. Some videos. Plenty of posts about their life together. All anonymous. All hot.

"Well, maybe we could do that."

Two years have passed. Two years of our own photos, videos and posts.

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