Monday, April 18, 2016

Rye's Cunt.

What follows is an email that I sent to Violet the other day, before meeting some friends for drinks.

"When we see each other at the bar tonight, I will have a few things on me.

1. A Sharpie.
2. Arousal balm.

You will take these from my pocket and on your first trip to the bathroom, you will do three things.

1. Rub the arousal balm on your clit and both nipples.
2. Write, where you are able to around your pussy, "Rye's cunt" with the Sharpie.
3. Take a photo of your freshly tagged pussy.

You will hold on to the balm. On return trips to the bathroom, should there be any, you will reapply the balm to your clit and your nipples. Each trip, you will take an additional photo, of whatever you see fit.

When we get home from drinks, there will be additional tasks awaiting you."
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