Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My Neck, My Back, My Pussy and My Crack. Are All Tatted.

Once again, refer to the comments for my thoughts on these bits of sexy. Ungh.

Seriously, with V's new tat, I wouldn't be surprised if she goes full back leopard print next...
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A PSA on Nasty Toys.

Apologies in advance for getting a little serious on you today.

But you need it.
Your vagina needs it.
Your asshole needs it.
Your brain needs it.

As you know, we're huge fans of sex toys around these parts. What you might not know, however, is that we're also super crazy organic people that don't keep any harsh chemicals in the house. Our bodies are too important to us to allow that kind of shit in close proximity. And you can bet your ass that our bodies are also too important to be putting those same harsh chemicals IN our bodies. You know, through the pussy. Or asshole.

Yep, this may surprise some of you (hopefully it doesn't, because you're well aware of this by now), but a lot of sex toys contain really terrible shit. And that terrible shit goes right into your hoo-ha when you get yourself off with it.

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Monday, May 30, 2016

Rye Cleans Up.

For someone with such a filthy mind, he cleans up nicely. It is seriously way too rare that we get to objectify him in quite this way. Lathered up, stark naked, bathed in sunshine. I just love the way the water spins off all his parts. We think you will too.

Also, of note, outdoor showers are basically the best places in existence.

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Sunday, May 29, 2016

Grab These.

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From the Mailbag: Making Love vs. Fucking.

Violet, what's your take on the difference between fucking and "making love"? Do you ever ask to "make love to me"? And is it possible to "make love" anally? My girlfriend says no, as it's a more submissive act, and raunchy. Great blog, thanks!

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Sock It To Me.

What better treat could you possibly ask for on a Friday before a holiday weekend than a fresh vid of Camille Crimson sucking her man off and letting him finish on her glasses? That's a fucking rhetorical question, clearly. There is no better treat.

As Notorious B.I.G. once said, "I like 'em educated, so I can bust up on they glasses." B-I-G-GI-E. Get it? Biggie!

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On D'Angelo's Direct Responsibility For Most Of My Sexuality

On January 11th, 2000, D'Angelo's Voodoo was released. It kicked off the most sexual year of my young life, and nothing got me thinking about this more than a recent BuzzFeed post, "Hey Girl, D'Angelo Wants To Know How You Feel." Guys, I know it sounds like I'm setting up an elaborate and hilarious joke, but I swear to all things that are fucking holy, I am not. To prove it, Exhibit A:

Didja feel that, ladies and gentlemen? That was 16 year old Violet's sexual awakening. And it got worse. Much, much worse.

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Jammed in the Jamb.

As you can tell by now, we got some serious mileage out of Violet's too tight skirt. That ass is just too good to not eat.

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Violet, can you deepthroat Rye? And is it easy for you to get the whole thing in?

You know it! I wouldn't say it's EASY, since Rye is a good 7 inches or so, but I can take it down like a fucking champion. Read more here:


Do you two fuck during V's period? My man won't and I wish he would get over that.

Of COURSE we do. Put a towel down and consider it extra lube.

Plus, it looks like you're some kind of murderer when it's over, which makes you feel like filthy fuckers. What's not to love?

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tits, Glorious Tits!

There's nothing left to say*, this collection is magnificent.

*I actually say a lot more in the captions, so I'm clearly a fucking liar.

I want a photo of Violet posed like this SO BAD.
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Masturbation Month.

It's the last week of Masturbation Month! Oh no! When will you ever masturbate again???

If you're anything like us, this just means you'll probably jerk off on Wednesday morning. But that doesn't take away the importance of having a Masturbation Month. It's a way to get people to talk about shit they normally wouldn't touch in public. And yet, it's one of our most popular activities (not just us, the collective US).

Copyright 2016 Shilo McCabe

You probably do it more times in a day than you shit. But you'll (maybe) talk about shitting.
You do it more than you call your mother. But you talk about how pissed she makes you.
You do it more than you see a movie. But you talk about celebrities incessantly.

So yeah. We jerk off. It's ok, we all do it (If you don't, you're lying. Or are some sad, confused minority of the population, and you should fix that, stat.)

Fortunately, The Sex Positive Photo Project is with us. And have dedicated each day this month to a photo and testimonial from someone they know, talking about how and why they masturbate. You'll want to take a look at this. We did. For a while.

Farewell to Prime Burger.

Yes, we've posted this before.
And yes, we're posting it again.

Because today, Prime Burger will serve its last burger.
Yep. The building was sold and they will cease to be after today.

Farewell, Prime! We hope you come back soon, in a new location. And yet, somehow, we doubt it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ok, so you have 76 followers on this page, but I just checked in Google Reader and you have 131 subscribers... I think that counts for video time. For the love of all that is good and right, we must see video!! :)

Hmm. This is a very good point. However, because neither myself nor Violet ever really understood just how Google Reader works (for instance, I had NO idea until you pointed that out), the number we've been basing this off of since the start was the "Follows" on the blog itself.

Let's make this shit happen! Only 24 to go, people. There are over 400 followers on Twitter. You can follow us anon on Blogger. Or with your Tumblr account somehow, as Camille Crimson has totally done.

It's easy. At this rate, we should be at 100 by tomorrow. Pull it together, perverts!

You want to see us in action. Trust me.

Enthusiasm. All Up On Your Face.

You gotta love enthusiasm.
Even when it comes packaged with bad lighting and messy rooms.

Enthusiasm really wins all.
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Dudes Who Give Us Lady Boners.

And now, the beginning of a new series: Dudes Who Give Us Lady Boners.

Uh, clearly when I say "us", I mean me. Although, Rye is capable of so many things, let's not cross getting a lady boner off the list.

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Always Thinking of Us.

A few mornings ago, after I left for work, Rye took matters into his own hands.

He was kind enough to document that for us.
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Do you guys belong to any fetish clubs? Or go to any fetish events?

Nope, sure don't. Our major fetish is exhibitionism. In other words, this here blog.

I think the following was inspired by the trouser snake that Violet released awhile ago, frame by frame. Snake Charmer (a haiku): A charmer’s hands dance, Coaxing the slippery snake, Urging it to strike. Cheers! Jesse.

Ha ha! Snake charmer indeed. Nicely done, Jesse.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Get It In.

Well, there was, shall we say, a smattering of this last weekend.

Replace the staircase with a very large window.
And turn her around so she's pressed against the glass.
And add a handful of passersby with mouths agape.
Ah, hotel sex...

Pushy Push in the Bush.

This one is for a certain follower of our Twitter account (You don't follow? Why not? We have some fun on there!), a BIG fan of the bush.

It also happens that bush is making a comeback of sorts. A number of porn stars are rocking the natural look, and it seems like it's disseminating from there. We'll see what happens. Will it overtake the Brazilian in popularity? I mean, the Brazilian fucking hurts, right? A bush does not.

I'll go out there and say I like Violet's nether region groomed however she wants it. But a FULL bush can be a little unruly for someone like me that LOVES going down on her. We all know why, no need to get into specifics. So yeah. Let's meet in the middle. Or shave it bald. Or leave a strip. I just love your pussy, plain and simple.

Bonus points* if you know where the title comes from.

*Bonus points mean nothing. But it will make you feel fucking cool if you know the answer, won't it?

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"So, I sent you a video," he said.

"Sent me a video where?"

"Oh, to our porn email."

Here is what I found, and good god, am I happy to share it with you perverts.
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Monday, May 23, 2016


Saw this one last night and felt that Chris especially would need to see this video. That's right, we don't forget the fetishes of our readers! So here's to you and your particular love of feet, pervert!
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Are You Trying To Seduce Me?

Yes. Yes she is.

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With No Pants On.

R: We always have such good intentions about Uncommon Appetites photos on vacation.
V: Well, I took my pants off in the street yesterday.

Violet tweeted this while we were on our trip. And you bet your ass (and hers) that we'd be showing you the results.

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Because last week was a week for vacation.

For eating good things.
And not checking email.

For ignoring social media.
And reading old books about food.

For weather too nice for May.
And getting sunburned for our eagerness to lie in it.

For having adventures.
And exploring places.
And ourselves.
And each other.

For drinking iced coffee on porches.
And sneaking photos on those same porches.
And in public.

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Watch Me Come.

As I said earlier today, there are few things in the world more beautiful than a female orgasm.

The creation of life?
A good slice of pizza?
A great cocktail?

Sure. All wonderful, beautiful things. But watching a woman come...

Sybian Love.

Digging through Fleshbot after work last night, I happened across a clip of some model on the Howard Stern show riding a Sybian.

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Bend Over Boy/Girlfriend.

Oh, hello asses. It's been a while, hasn't it? ("It hasn't been that long, actually", says Monday's post.)

It had been a while for us as well. Well, anal, anyway. Shut up, Monday's post!

So yeah, no anal for what seemed like at least a month or two. But we fixed that last weekend, as I filled V's tight little hole with my cum. The dirty talk really got the better of us that night, which ushered V into several violent orgasms, screaming:

"I'm your fucking whore!"
"Make me your cumslut!"
"Fill my asshole!"

What can I say? It didn't suck. Neither do these.

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

How do I introduce my boyfriend to anal play? Any specific tips on touching and/or licking a newbie you guys can give me?

Start by letting him know that it's something YOU want. Whenever my partner is the one pushing it, it makes it even hotter.

If you've done this, which it sounds like you have(?), let him know that despite what homophobic assclowns the world over have said, enjoying assplay doesn't make you a "fucking faggot" (gotten that once). And those people that use such language are utter cunts and a disgrace to society, so why would you listen to them anyway?

The prostate is just another level of sexual exploration that feels fucking amazing, so why the hell wouldn't you want to explore it?

Give it enough time, and you'll be here before you know it!

And you know, because you're even asking this question to a sex blog, you're probably cool as fuck. So perhaps he is too. And the above isn't even relevant. Let's hope that to be the case. The social stigma around men and assplay is fucking idiotic.

Ok, on to the important stuff:Read more »

As you read yesterday, I've suddenly uncovered my desire to explore sex with women. Can Violet share some of her experiences fucking women? Counsel me, please. (Any inadvertent arousal is a bonus.) -wife10yearsin

I'm sure Violet would be happy to. She's promised a few stories already, so in time, I'm sure she'll provide some insight. She doesn't take writing these posts lightly and really likes to take her time with them, like some sort of fucking writer.

Anyway, up next is a previously promised post about her happy ending massage experiences.

As for the short term, perhaps you can glean something from this:


I just re-read it and got quite aroused myself.

So curious, who masturbates more often? And do you ever masturbate in "catchable" places?

Hmm. It used to be the reverse, but I'd say Violet currently masturbates more often. And by quite a wide margin. She's probably at, in addition to our fuck sessions, 4 or so times each week. Minimum.

I usually indulge every couple days or so. Sometimes with V watching, other times if I find something really good I want to post.

You know, like this.

As for catchable places, Violet fingered herself in her office recently, in the bathroom. Also, a few times in the car, driving out to our wedding (I was driving, for fuck sake!).

And I have a storied history of jerking off at work, in my car, in my backyard growing up, at school, generally in many places where I might have been caught. But these days, it seems like I can usually keep my cock in my pants until I get home.

Unless Violet orders me otherwise, of course.

Ok, you guys are truly sexual adventurers. I could ask you list all the things you're into but I think it would be more interesting to hear what sex practices and kink are on your personal "No fucking way" list. Will PX

Shit. Vomit. Probably safe to say neither are into choking. That's pretty much it.

And we should make up t-shirts. "Sexual Adventurers." Have little people spelunking into a vagina on it.

Questions, Sluts. Now!

It's been too long since we had a question!!! Ask us anything. Make it dirty.


Oh My Gosh!

How can I put into words how much I love this GIF?

The way you can tell just what's happening. And yet see nothing.
The way you can hear her. But without sound.
The way that other woman is totally getting it hard. You and I both know it...

You Get Me All Prickly.

Is there anything better than goosebumps on a hot woman's ass?

The answer is no. No, there is not.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


While we're on the subject...


Threesomes. Foursomes. Group fucking. Whatever shape it takes, it's clear that it's a turn on for many. Including this guy.

While V has a had a couple of her own, I've yet to indulge in the multiple sucking and fucking occasion. Which I have mixed feelings on, it's been made pretty clear if you've been a long time reader. But regardless of my own desire for two women to suck on my balls, I can tell you that these pictures sure make it seem like a grand old time.

Have you had a threesome? Foursome? Orgy? Was it a good decision or a regret? Let us know in the comments.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

On a Ledge.

Despite the obvious and hilarious watch tan, I think you'll all find these as hot as I do. In the meantime, I'll be over here, masturbating to photos of my wife.

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Breakfast in Camille's Bed.

Ever wondered what a weekend morning was like at Camille Crimson's house? I mean, we kinda figured as much, but if you want to find out, we'll help make that happen.

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You guys ever gonna have kids? That might put a damper on your hot sex life together.

Perhaps some day. And yes, we've heard this can happen. The key is communication. As always.

Pull Over, That Ass Is Too Fat.

We all know how much Rye loves his ass. You may not know that I also have an affinity for the back end (who am I kidding, you totally know that).

Last night, as Rye and I walked to meet friends for dinner, we commented on how pleasant it was having skirts back in the city. Women here are real butt sluts and show what they've got. To a distracting degree.

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Perverted Road Trip.

Hello, darlings. We'll be absent for the rest of the week, taking a little vacation to soothe our brains and sneak dirty pictures in other states.

We promise to return with photographic evidence of our exploits and a renewed enthusiasm for making you jerk yourselves off. See you soon!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Ladies, Get Your Swagger Back.

I'm getting a little grumbly about something today, you guys. I fell down a video hole today, as I often do, trying to find something to share for mutual wanking and appreciation.

What I found was a lot of this:

Please don't get me wrong, that's a beautiful woman in a beautifully filmed short movie (and DANG, I love your tattoo). But GOD, does anyone ever really roll around on a bed to seduce their partner? Does anyone ever really ruffle their hair over their faces and coo to incite lust?
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V- How do you maintain your hair down there? Do you wax your ass crack yourself? I've been dying to do something about mine.

A hot shower, a warmed razor and plenty of conditioner. Plain and simple. But go with the grain, otherwise, you're gonna have a bumpy mess!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

My dick is 4 1/2 inches. Is that too small?

No, have a little confidence!

Tear It Down.

Torn stockings.
Artsy editing.

How would we not sign up for this? Sure, it might be a little overly "artsy for art's sake," but shit if it's not kind of hot.

This couple has a few other videos on their Vimeo page if you're into this one. Which you probably will be. So check them out.
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Blogger Implosion.

Just wanted to give all you lovely people a heads up. If you commented recently and don't see those comments, it's not because we deleted them. Rather, it's because Blogger had a fucking meltdown this week.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were a little rough for those at the neglected branch of Google. We wound up having a number of posts removed, only to be replaced last night, sans the comments.

Also, some of our scheduled posts for next week were deleted permanently, which is sweet. I guess we'll just have to look at more porn...

If you want to replace your comment, feel free, we always love hearing from you perverts!

The Gentle Introduction of Ass-Play.

My boyfriend is very willing to explore sexually with me, and loves me for the fact that I am so liberated and willing to try new things. However, there is one thing he is very shy about: his ass. Ever since he went down on mine, and took my anal virginity, I have been dying to give him that same pleasure. However, he is one of those men that, to a certain extent, equates anal penetration with homosexuality in men. I have told him I want to go down on his ass, and he is willing to let me, although I haven't done so yet. He knows I would like to try pegging, but I think he is a little afraid of it. Any ideas on how to gently ease him into ass play?

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Friday, May 13, 2016

Skirts Return.

Among the many perks this weather brings, the presence of skirts has to be the finest.

Women everywhere are filling out their skirts nicely, full hips from a long winter, the ass fuller than last year. A better handful.

The goal, to fuck it back down to last summer's size.

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Your experiences with strap-ons were one of the main things that convinced my girlfriend and I to start using one (and it has been exhilerating!). How has the size worked for you so far? Do you think you'll get something larger in the future?

Oh wow! We're SO flattered to hear that, thanks for sharing. We love being able to inspire others to be more open with their partners and be as adventurous as they feel like.

And yes, pegging is fucking rad. I'm fairly convinced that any man that opens up and lets go will enjoy the fuck out of it. But it's a big hurdle to get over in this homophobic society of ours. But shit, the more we get men to take it up the ass, the more accepting we'll all become, am I right?

Ok, now off my soapbox and on to the question at hand.
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Just Kids.

Let's just say I've recently read "Just Kids" by Patti Smith about her adventures in NYC with Robert Mapplethorpe. And let's also say that it was fucking amazing. So amazing that I felt inspired to dig around for photos from Mr. Mapplethorpe himself.

If you haven't read the book, you should. And if you haven't seen these photos, you are about to. However, keeping in mind that his photos on a fucking blog is kinda shameful. If you ever get a chance to see them in person, especially the X Portfolio (probably won't be able to, as you can see by the content of it, i.e. the fisting shot), you should.

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Let's Make Raspberry Pie!

Let's make it is fucking right! We love this video for several reasons:

1. It's almost raspberry season. Which means we're fucking JONESING for those sweet, nipple looking berries. You know, to put in our face holes.

2. St. Vincent. Because who can ever really get enough of St. Vincent? If you don't listen to her, please change that.

3. It's pretty as shit. And a lattice? No one makes a goddamn lattice for their pies anymore! Craziness! Lattice away, for I wish to do filthy things to that deep red pie. Mostly with my tongue.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Since it's masturbation month you thinking of doing something special?

You mean like masturbating? Consider it in the calendar. Every month is masturbation month!


This week ushered in the weather we'd been dreaming about. Somehow, Violet couldn't quite believe just how wonderful it is. It required a closer look.

Ten Rules for Eating Pussy.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Questions, Perverts?

Ask us anything. Make it dirty. http://formspring.me/Voracious

What kind of lube is your fave?

Goes to check sex drawer...

We have Astroglide and Sliquid H2O, both of which are glycerin and paraben free. For people with no harsh chemicals in the apartment and a steady diet of organic food, we watch what goes into our bodies in all aspects of life.

We VERY rarely use lube though, as we're both fans of oral pretty much always. And if we're having a quickie, nothing works better than my mouth on her cunt for a few seconds.

Additionally, Violet gets VERY wet, VERY easily. But sometimes lube is fun.

For instance, during anal play, where we use Maximus, which is thick enough to hang around for the duration. After all, lube is an important factor in ass play. Maybe the most important factor.

So you finger his ass?

Of course! I do WAY MORE than finger it.


Put Some D's On That Bitch!

Guys? Ladies? Can we hear it for a beautiful set of tits?

In my first, albeit somewhat shitty and drawn out relationship, I had a pair of B cups to fondle and call my own (when allowed to touch them). I never considered myself much of a tit man before, and in fact, those B's were perfect in my mind.

HOWEVER, I've gotta say, having a set of D's to cup, grapple and suck on has been a real treat. And I have no intention of ever going back.

Regardless of tit size, though, the most important aspect is that they're real. As is the case with most of (?) those to follow. I do hope you agree.

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Formspring Time!

Do you two sext each other?

Oh man, do we ever! A recent example of what I sent to V while she was in a work meeting:

"I am looking forward to you going to the gym, getting all hot and sweaty, coming home and letting me dive right into that salty sweetness."

And some photos:

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Monday, May 9, 2016

Speaking of Licking Fingers...

Thanks to a Formspring query this weekend, we all know how much you love finger licking. And you know we don't let you down.

How can this not get you going?
The devious look in her eyes.
The slick, drenched fingers.
The greedy pursed mouth.
The way she grabs that hand.

Why Don't You Shove It Up Your Ass? I'd Be Happy To!

Anyone that reads this here blog knows by now that I'm an ass man. And while yes, that means I'm very much into Violet's ass (eating it, fingering it, fucking it, sucking it), I'm also all about my own tight backdoor.

We've recently ventured into the world of pegging, which, I can't even tell you how world changing that was. And while pegging is fucking hot, sometimes V's not around. And just because we're married and have an unreal sex life doesn't mean I don't also take care of business on my own. And vice versa.

While I want this pretty much always, sometimes your wife goes out of town.
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The One Where I Finally Try the Lelo Bob.

How happy are we to live in this modern age? When sex toys are improving on the daily and prostate massage (and all anal play, really) has gone from some taboo subject to just another part of a well rounded sex life. When the male orgasm has gone from relatively one note compared to the female orgasm, to a whole other level of pleasure when you jam something up their ass.

Mind you, my orgasms are never sad by any stretch, but when you put something up my ass, especially something as brilliantly contoured and smooth as the Lelo Bob, the grunts and groans that emit from me are almost caveman-like by comparison.

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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Do you ever lick your fingers after you masturbate?

If this question is for me, the answer is OF COURSE.

Though I usually jerk off with toys, I like to see how I taste. Also, I lick Rye's fingers after he stuffs me with them. And will sometimes suck my juices off his cock. The look on his face is epic.

As for Rye, not often, but he'll lick them before sometimes, to make it easier to stuff a few up his ass.

So have you eaten a creampie out of Violet's pussy yet?

Nope, sure haven't! I'm awaiting her instruction.

Should I be excited? I'm a little excited. She's a real fucking tease sometimes.

Back in the Saddle.

I have been having pain during sex, which has led to my husband and I not being intimate very much. I avoid it for fear of pain, and he worries about hurting me. The problem is me sort of involuntarily clenching those muscles and being unable to relax. I can go from being quite relaxed to totally tense in the space of a couple seconds if sex is going to happen. He knows that this is not something I'm doing consciously, and not something that I want to do, but it is driving a bit of a wedge between us, physically. I see there are 'dilator kits' for vaginismus, which seems like a good idea, but kind of costly.

via Hottie, Hott, Hot - by Alexander Tikhomirov

I don't own any sex toys, but since my husband raised this as an issue earlier this month, I have mentioned several times that I am totally open to working on becoming comfortable with sex again. I do want to tackle this but feel a bit lost as a person who just doesn't talk about sex. Help!
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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Pole Position.

This video makes us feel a couple of feelings.

One, that we love this position and haven't done it in too long*. The reverse cowgirl to the collapse on top of him, back to reverse cowgirl and collapse back down again is a highly underrated position for a quality, comfortable, low-key weekend morning or afternoon fucking.

Two, that it's nice to see some condom usage in real world sex videos. Not everyone is in a long-term relationship and should definitely be rocking the condoms. So good for them for wearing and not being afraid to feature that sleeve in a major way.

Three, it gives us a boner. Because it feels real and lovely, and like home. And to us, that's hot.

So dig in, boner up, get wet. You deserve it, it's been a long week and it's only Monday.

*We wrote this update on Saturday. On Sunday, we employed this position. And it was good. Thanks for the reminder, video!

Friday, May 6, 2016

You're told that you have stomach cancer, and will have to have a surgery to save your life, which will result in you being fed via IV for the rest of your life. What is your final meal before the surgery?

That's a hard question. Whatever I felt like eating that night? I don't even know what I want to eat right now.

Maybe a really good aged steak (Peter Luger's)? Pizza (Frank Pepe's) or a philly cheesesteak (Pat's)?

Why is it so hard sometimes to get past one's ego and pride and fully commit to being submissive? Think I worded that right.

I wouldn't say there's a particular submissive in our relationship. Perhaps V skews more toward submissive at times. But Rye also likes being told what to do and having his ass abused, so there's a trade-off.

But overall, my experience comes from a place of feminist thought. And the expected masculine role. We're in a relationship where we're both feminist. And believe that women are absolutely equal to men in all regards.

However, when it comes to being submissive, there's a hesitation there. There's some belief, perhaps that the submissive has less power than the dom. Which, over time you realize isn't true.

In fact, it's a role, like many performative roles in our lives. And we're merely playing submissive or dom. It doesn't seep outside the bedroom into our public lives, it's just another type of role we play. If either of us was a full-time submissive, then perhaps this could go even deeper. But as is, we like to share that position, and in doing so, equal the field. And also become less ashamed about the fact that sometimes you want her to gag on you, while other times, she's gonna strap it on and press you to the wall.

After all, fuck it. Being submissive doesn't make you any less feminist. I could argue that it's actually quite the opposite. What's more feminist than telling someone you want them to use you and then getting just what you want?

She Wants To Be Your Dog.

Ok, you got me. You could put pretty much anything to this Iggy masterpiece and I'd pay attention.

Now, if it's a naked woman. And a very hot naked woman, my intrigue triples. Yours will too.
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The Way I Dress.

Stylish men, shot beautifully, talking about the way they dress, WHILE they get dressed? This is right in our wheelhouse.

Not to mention the massive feelings I have for Waris Ahluwalia (I saw him once at an unnamed very hot restaurant and a VERY audible gasp emitted from deep within me).

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Go Fist Yourself.

In a recent discussion about our fantasies, I let V know that the idea of fisting had always intrigued me. While this may not be practical for me to test out on her (she's small, as a person, where as I'm really not, there are bone size issues), it was something she was willing to give a go.

On her own terms.

What do I mean by this exactly? Well, you'll see for yourself below.

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Do you ever do anything with feet?

Hmm. I don't know, do we?



Those were taken from a reader request. Normally, the feet don't do much for us, but if feet are your thing, these photos will probably do a whole lot for you.

Ask me anything. Make it dirty.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A question for you both to answer separately: What is the draw to inserting vegetables?

Violet: To be perfectly honest, aside from shoving them rapidly and frequently into my mouth, I'd never considered being penetrated by a vegetable until Rye and I got together. Even now, having done it a time or two, the most titillating thing about it is the crazy, fiery twinkle Rye gets in his eye when he sees me select a cucumber at the market.

With enough lube, finesse and excitement, just about anything would probably feel good, but what I enjoy most about it is how, er, crisp it gets Rye's tenderest parts.

Rye: We talked about our love for food, right? Also, my imagination runs pretty rampant. And the idea of sexualizing even the most mundane things is fun to me. With a partner as up for anything as V is, I mention something, she says ok, then before you know it she's fucking an eggplant/eating my cum from an avocado/fisting herself. I like to try things. So does V. It works well for both parties.

Also, it makes the trips to the Farmers' Markets really enjoyable, because we each get a look in our eye when I know she's not intending to make a salad with that cucumber.

This question is for Violet, and possibly Rye. Do you recall the specific moment when you revealed your [sex]toy chest to the other? Or had it already been discussed before? Sorry, that wasn't very dirty. How about your first experimentation with them together?

Okay. This is going to blow your minds: neither of us really had one until we started fucking each other.

I know.

Because our collection is... robust now. We've really made up for lost time. AND, to further knock your socks off, Rye is the first person to see a) the silly little vibrator I had when we met and b) me masturbate with a toy or otherwise.

The first sex toys we ever bought together were a tiny, nubbly little bullet and rope. We've come a long way, baby.

Tear Me Off a Piece.

You know when you just can't get at each other quickly enough?

No? Then you're doing it wrong.

Even if you've been together long enough to not consider each other on these terms anymore, you should fucking consider each other on these terms. There's nothing like not being able to get enough of your love's skin. So go tear someone's clothes off with the urgency of a fucking four alarm fire.


She pulls her hair back into a ponytail.
This is the sign.
It's about to get serious.

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