Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Guys, this is fucking insane. Seriously fucking insane.

After being a bit out of it lately (inconsistent posts, much?), we were alerted to this steaming pile of shit by a few readers, and then again by Dan Savage in this week's podcast (If you don't listen to his podcast, you should be. And watch his MTV show while you're at it, it's enormously heartwarming and full of healthy sexual discussions).

So just what IS this steaming pile of shit of which I speak? Harmless. A film about, GET THIS, a husband that has a box of porn. THAT BRINGS EVIL TO HIS HOME. It possesses his children and ruins his relationship with his wife! I'm dead serious, this is a real thing. After watching, I had to do some research to see if it was an Onion video. It's not.

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