Thursday, May 19, 2016

So curious, who masturbates more often? And do you ever masturbate in "catchable" places?

Hmm. It used to be the reverse, but I'd say Violet currently masturbates more often. And by quite a wide margin. She's probably at, in addition to our fuck sessions, 4 or so times each week. Minimum.

I usually indulge every couple days or so. Sometimes with V watching, other times if I find something really good I want to post.

You know, like this.

As for catchable places, Violet fingered herself in her office recently, in the bathroom. Also, a few times in the car, driving out to our wedding (I was driving, for fuck sake!).

And I have a storied history of jerking off at work, in my car, in my backyard growing up, at school, generally in many places where I might have been caught. But these days, it seems like I can usually keep my cock in my pants until I get home.

Unless Violet orders me otherwise, of course.

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