Saturday, May 7, 2016

Pole Position.

This video makes us feel a couple of feelings.

One, that we love this position and haven't done it in too long*. The reverse cowgirl to the collapse on top of him, back to reverse cowgirl and collapse back down again is a highly underrated position for a quality, comfortable, low-key weekend morning or afternoon fucking.

Two, that it's nice to see some condom usage in real world sex videos. Not everyone is in a long-term relationship and should definitely be rocking the condoms. So good for them for wearing and not being afraid to feature that sleeve in a major way.

Three, it gives us a boner. Because it feels real and lovely, and like home. And to us, that's hot.

So dig in, boner up, get wet. You deserve it, it's been a long week and it's only Monday.

*We wrote this update on Saturday. On Sunday, we employed this position. And it was good. Thanks for the reminder, video!

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