Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ok, so you have 76 followers on this page, but I just checked in Google Reader and you have 131 subscribers... I think that counts for video time. For the love of all that is good and right, we must see video!! :)

Hmm. This is a very good point. However, because neither myself nor Violet ever really understood just how Google Reader works (for instance, I had NO idea until you pointed that out), the number we've been basing this off of since the start was the "Follows" on the blog itself.

Let's make this shit happen! Only 24 to go, people. There are over 400 followers on Twitter. You can follow us anon on Blogger. Or with your Tumblr account somehow, as Camille Crimson has totally done.

It's easy. At this rate, we should be at 100 by tomorrow. Pull it together, perverts!

You want to see us in action. Trust me.

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